Wednesday 15 October 2014

I don't like being the bad guy.

When i found out i was having a child my mind was filled with all the amazing journeys i was about to embark on. How my adventure in life was going to become even more exciting and all the fun we were going to have. 

I did not imagine being the bad guy. 

I hate being the bad guy. 

What is the bad guy? The bad guy is the person that says no you can't have another biscuit, and say no to getting more toys out just before bed time. 

I don't like being that guy. I don't like making my child cry. 

I honestly did not contemplate this part of parenthood. 

I was merrily going along with a baby who doesn't have any strong preferences or the ability to shout " no no no" at the top of their voice. And then one morning BAMN!!! i had a toddler.  A toddler with strong preferences, who has a personality, who has a point of view. 

I don't want to set ground rules and say no to things that are probably quite fun. When all is said and done i want to make my son happy all the time. 

But i can't. I've got to set ground rules, I've got to teach him right from wrong so he grows up to be a respectable young man. I'm his mom, it's in my job description.

I just hope all the "yes's" out-weigh the "no's" and they are just a fading thought. 

Anyone else had being the bad guy?

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Little Owl Farm Park

Today Oliver and I visited Little Owl Farm Park in Worcestershire, with my friend and her little girl.

This is a fairly new attraction which I believe has only opened in the last 12 months. I had previously looked on line about going but the price didn't really seem to match up to the amount of animals on offer. But after our visit, I am pleasantly surprised.

Little Owls is a traditional farm park, there is opportunity to bottle feed the pigs and  deer. There is a petting barn, where you can hold chicks and rabbits. This, I was really impressed with, as on previous visits to petting barns, you're given the chick to hold, whilst trying to juggle a toddler. But here they pop them in a little plastic tray (sounds cruel, but rest assured it isn't), so you can pop the tray on your lap and not have to worry about run away animals/children.

There are meerkats, a bit out of place but a great attraction never the less and lots of ducks and chickens.  It doesn't sound like much but there are a lot of opportunities for the kids to interact with the animals and the staff are so friendly and willing to tell you more about the animals or let you hold them.

Along side the animals there is lots of play opportunities. 

First of all, most parents worst nightmare- soft play! It's small, but it's clean and does the job. It's great if its a slightly rainy day and want to seek some shelter or like we did and the kids just wanted to run wild for 5!

They then have a barn filled with ride on tractors. There are two sections, under 5's and then 5-11. The under 5's section have push along tractors as Oliver is modelling below. Then the 5-11's have pedal tractors. Again fab if its a bit rainy. 

And finally, the piece de resistance: a massive sandpit with two humongous inflatable pillows for bouncing. I cannot highlight how utterly fantastic this was. The kids absolutely loved it, even if Oliver decided to start his career as a stunt man by throwing himself down it (heart in mouth). 

As I said before I thought it was going to be overpriced for what it was, but at £24 for a family ticket (£20 in the week out of school holidays) I actually think its pretty well priced.

We visited on the first day back at school for most children, so it was really quiet. I can imagine at the height of summer or at the weekend it would be rather chaotic and maybe not as enjoyable with smaller children. But I would most definitely recommend a visit.

If you want to find out more visit:

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Friends after children!

OK so once you've picked yourself up off the floor from laughing at the prospect of having a social life after children there is a few things I have learnt. 

 Ollie is now 17 months old, i like to think i am a good mom but my social life and friends seemed to have suffered. 

 When you have children, replying to a text or commenting on something funny on Facebook kind of goes out the window, you don't have time to browse. 

You can't drop everything at the drop of a hat to go for drinks, go dancing or on a shopping trip. 

Some friends get this. 

You have some that also have children, and appreciate that three line text they got last month. That’s enough to stay connected. 

Others will just understand children are hectic; she'll get back to me when she can, and they won't take it to heart.

Then there are the friends that just don't get it!! To quote one of my oldest friends. 

"Nothing will change when the baby comes, s/he will just have to work around you"

Needless to say i haven’t seen them much in the past 18 months. 

Don't despair if your friends are more like the latter. 

Your social groups will change. 

Personally I've found friendship in baby groups and through talking to other moms on twitter. 

That trendy bar you used to hang out in will become the local park or a local baby group. 

You'll find you BFF will probably become the mother/father of the child your little one gets on with the most. 

That's ok, they are on your wave length, they understand the struggles motherhood brings. 

And to the ones that don't understand, just be there, silently waiting, for the moment they have children.....

Then they will understand and you may be the one friend they have who is there with them.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Handmade flower pressed phone covers

I have just taken delivery of the most beautiful phone cover I have ever seen. 

Since having my iphone I haven't been a big fan of the covers available as I find them boring or tacky, but desperately needed one due to my toddlers ever growing obsession with my phone. So when I came across Handmade flower press phone covers I was really excited 

They are a new venture based in Hereford. Chloe, a mum herself, starting making phone covers after she faced the same condundrum I did. A graduate of photography, her creativity really shines through. 

The phone cases themselves are faultless. They encompass beautifully pressed fresh flowers and against the colours of the iPhone 5c look beautiful. 

They are finished to a very high standard and look very professional.

I paid £8 + £1 postage for my iPhone 5c cover. 

To find out more visit: or

And spread the word!

Thursday 21 August 2014

End of an era, start of a new one.

As brummymumoftwo  has said before some posts are written for reaction, some sharing advice or reviews but some, like this one you just want to write and get out there just to help you.

Today is my last day in my current job. I am leaving to follow my ambition of being a teacher. Scared- yes, excited – very!

I was due to start training September 2013 but due to my ill health after having Oliver and just not feeling emotionally ready, I deferred for a year.  Oliver has been attending a child minder 3 days a week since January now, but from September he will be going full time. I am riddled with guilt!!

Currently we get two days together (aside from the weekend) where we can do mommy and son things. I feel as if I am letting him down by sending him to a child minder full time. I know hundreds of thousands of mothers go back to work full time and send their children to childcare, and this is by no means me saying they are wrong, needs must at the end of the day, but for some reason it is sat at the back of my mind.

I also feel slightly selfish returning to education but know I am doing it for the right reason. Secure future for my family, happier mummy enjoying her job and also in the long run I think I will spend more time with Oliver.

I am sure he will love playing with children all day, and not be stuck with his mum all the time. I’m also sure the time apart will do us the world of good, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I just hope I am making the right decision for my whole family and everything works out.

So watch this space, and if anyone sees me losing the plot slightly just give me a virtual slap!!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Debenhams Back to School competition: Oliver's entry.


This is an entry into The Debenhams Back to School Competition on

Right, so Oliver is only 18months old so this was always going to be fun. I decided to get up the Debenhams website on the laptop and he could point to which ones he liked. We could have ended up with something quite flamboyant but I think in the end we did quite well.

So first pick was Designer blue belted chinos by J by Jasper Conran. 

Next up was gingham polo again by J by Jasper Conran. 

The shoes picked were Bluezoo two tab trainers. 

Then finally for when winter sets in a navy duffle coat. Once again from J by Jasper Conran( I think he likes this range) 

Looking forward to having a browse at some of the other entries. 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Ten top tips for holidaying with toddlers.

We recently had a UK break. Here are some tips that may help if you are going on one.  

1. There is no such thing as too many toys. Don't think you'll be too busy to play with that toy or they won't want that one. They will, just take it, save tantrum time now. 

2. Don't rush. Just like everyday toddlers, holiday toddlers do not like to be rushed. Yes, they need to inspect EVERYTHING new you walk past and yes there will be tantrums if you rush them. 

3. Swimming. Many parents are not a fan of taking small people swimming. It's raining, they are climbing the walls. Embrace the swimming, ignore the 300 other chimdren in the pool. Swimming is your friend. 

4. Beach. Beaches are fab. If the weather suits, it's lots of open space for running and playing. They don't cost anything which is a massive bonus. 

5. Have rainy day activities planned just incase. You can rely on the uk weather. 

6. Grandparents. We were fortunate (?) to go with my in laws. Take advantage of them. They love spending time with their grandchildren. Sit back, put your feet up and have a glass of pimms. 

7. Car= sleep. Not always. He'll sleep in the car. Yeah, totally didn't. All the way to Somerset. Be prepared for that. Don't assume. 

8. Don't stop. We thought we'd have a leisurely drive down. Stop and have breaks. Don't just don't. Getting him back in the cat seat sounded like he was in serious pain. It really wasn't worth it. 

9. Bed time. Routine I hear you cry. Yeah that just flew out the window. Don't force it. Go with the flow. They've got to sleep eventually. 

10. Relax and enjoy. Don't get stressed just go with it and remember it's your holiday too! 

Contray to what this may portray we had a really good time, UK holidays are very must underrated.